Friday, August 20, 2010

So...what's goin on?

Why hello there darling! Well, a lot has happened sooooooo here it goes,
I had my wisdom teeth pulled out today. I got a new laptop. I got a life size cardboard cut out of Taylor Lautner. I love my church. I went to CIY MOVE 2010. In case you dont know hwat that is, its a church camp that was held at OSU (oregon state university). I have to eat mushy stuff for the next 4-5 days. Whoopdy Doo. I have a new brother! David Day. He does not enjoy cats. He has changed my life perspective. He has showed me the way to God and I now feel closer than ever. I also wouldnt be as close to God as I am without the help of Dr. Slanty. akaGary Hale. Oh. and he now calls me Slanty. How nice :p I miss eating stuff. Since i had my surgery, i cant eat anything thats not mushy. Oh! I start school soon. My first day of High School!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BBBBAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! im Excited! but at the same time im super nervous. Im taking Pre AP Biology which terrifies me. oh well. my choice! haha. Oh! i almost forgot. i am back n facebook! sooooo find me. bahhaa. Well thats it for now. ill post random shiz laterr. so yeahhhh. Later Homie G :)


Friday, July 2, 2010

Oh dang... Well.i obviously haven't updated this for a while... Haha well alot has happens since I last was on here. I started going to church! Yes it is true. Hhehehehee. I am......CHRISTIAN! wee:) um. Ya. That's the only interesting thing.. My two best friends there are the super LEGIT youth pastors. I don't wanna say their names just for privacy reasons. Haha. Well. Idk what else to sayyyyyy. K bye.

Less than three. <3